How to Resist Temptation at Family Get-Togethers

Brace yourself—holiday parties and fall events are coming. Are you ready for the onslaught of cravings and temptations? Some people seem to have a superpower that blocks their craving receptors and allows them to stay the course—avoiding cookie platters like the chatty coworker at the holiday party. The rest of us mere mortals need a little help, but believe it or not, you can be that craving-resistant superhero too! Check out these tips. Plan Ahead Every successful mission starts with a plan. You probably know there’s a family feast later tonight, so start your plan early in the day. There are two schools of thought on this, and it depends on what kind of eating personality you have. Some people prefer to save their calories and macros throughout the day, knowing they’ll have a feast that night. Others prefer to show up already full, so they aren’t as tempted to load up their plate. You know your body better than anyone else, so choose a path and stick to it....