Motivational Tips to Help You Build the Workout Habit

Believe it or not, for a lot of people, working out is like a (healthy) addiction. If they go more than a day without hitting the gym or the trails, they don’t feel quite like themselves. Although they might seem like superhumans, these people had to build the habit at some point and had to face similar obstacles.

If you're at the start of your health journey and still fight with motivation, here are some tips to help you while you build the workout habit. Stick with them long enough, and you'll be one of those superhumans too!  

Dress for Success

Look good, feel good, right? Having dedicated gym clothes that are comfortable, fit your body well, and look flashy can be all it takes to help get you going in the morning. Lay your workout clothes out before you go to bed so you can wake up without having to think about finding the right top for your leggings. 

Pump Up the Jams

Just like you follow a weight loss meal plan that has foods you actually want to eat, you should make your exercise routine fun too. Most of us like to plug in and zone out on everything else while we enjoy a sweat session. Create a playlist of high-energy tunes that get you moving, and it will make the workout feel less like strenuous exercise and more like a dance party.

Write Down Your Goals

Get out a sheet of paper and write down all of your goals for this workout routine. Whether it’s your weight goal, a strength goal, a reps goal, or just a consistency goal, write all of them down. Place that list somewhere you'll see it before each workout to remind yourself why you're doing this exercise thing in the first place. Not only will this list help keep you accountable, but it should inspire you to get up and get moving to reach your health goals.

Find an Accountability Buddy

If a dream board or goals list aren’t quite enough to keep you accountable, chances are you have a fit buddy that can. Having a workout partner helps tons of people stay consistent with their regimen, so it eventually turns into a habit. Hit them up and ask if you can exercise with them and they’ll help keep you on track. 

 Get Rid of Any Roadblocks

Tons of the obstacles most of us use as excuses are 100% avoidable. Can’t find the energy to go to the gym in the morning? Try a new pre-workout. Feel unwelcome at your current gym? Find a new one. Don’t know what to do in the gym? Get on a weight loss exercise program that helps guide you along and aids you in creating a routine that works for you. Think about what has stopped you from exercising consistently before and look for solutions—you'll wonder why you hadn't made the change earlier!

About 131 Method

For far too long, people have approached weight loss and general health the wrong way with a cookie-cutter diet plan that leads to cookie-cutter results (if any). Your body and your needs are unique, and with the 131 Method, you can experiment to find the foods and exercises that work for you. Celebrity fitness trainer and creator Chalene Johnson affectionately calls it the "anti-diet" because there aren't hard-set rules you have to follow. You experiment with different methods like intermittent fasting weight loss, among others, to find the approach that works for you. When you sign up for this 12-week program, you'll get access to a ton of delicious and easy recipes along with health and fitness information from the 131 Method's registered dietitians to help you on your health journey.

Learn more about the 131 Method’s unique approach at


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