Is Your Current Weight Loss Program Doing More Harm Than Good?

So, you’ve been on this diet for a few weeks. How’s it going so far? Even if you’re starting to see the needle move, if you’re on the wrong diet or eating program, you might crash and burn. Is trouble ahead? Here are some huge red flags to look for.

It Isolates You From Social Events

You need flexibility in your program, and if you’re stuck eating the same three foods at the same exact time, you’ll likely become that person. There’s nothing wrong with sticking to your carrots when you go to a barbeque, and your goals should come before all else. But, if your diet has you bringing food containers to an event (and not to take home their yummy leftovers) then you should think about how flexible it really is.

Want to know a secret? There are meal plans out there that let you actually live and enjoy your life! Weird to think, huh? Whether it’s a combination of intermittent fasting weight loss and carb-loading, or a low-carb, high-protein split, you can find something that keeps the party rolling and your body happy and healthy at the same time. 

Every Day Is a Battle

Listen, losing weight isn’t easy no matter what the person on the late-night infomercial tells you. Spoiler alert: There isn’t “one little secret that they don’t want you to know” to becoming healthy. On the other hand, it isn’t impossible to get healthy, and ordinary people see great results all the time—with the right plan. If you’re on a diet or exercise program and you just hate having to follow it, you definitely need to drop it like it’s hot and find something different.

The best weight loss meal plan or exercise program will work with your schedule and lifestyle. It could take a few days to get used to, but once you’re in the groove of things, it’s basically a “set it and forget it” type of mindset. If you’re constantly battling cravings and the goals don’t seem worth the effort, you’re not doing this “health” thing right. There are better options out there!

You Have to Go at It Alone

Losing weight or achieving another health goal is no easy feat—that’s why it’s so awesome when people finally get there. For most, they need some sort of support group or an accountability buddy to keep them on the straight and narrow and overcome obstacles along the way. Does your diet plan provide that? If you’re following one from the back of a magazine, probably not. Even the most self-starting and disciplined people stumble at some point on their health journey and need some support. So, look for a program that provides added support, such as an online community of fellow members and helpful, informative resources like audio and video lessons—these will make the journey a whole lot easier. 

You’re Not Seeing Results

Surprise, surprise: Not everyone will see the same results on a diet or exercise program—and that’s okay! We all have different bodies, so why should we expect one cookie-cutter program to deliver cookie-cutter results? If you haven’t moved the needle on the scale or seen any other non-scale victories, it’s time to switch. You need a plan that fits around your unique needs and health goals rather than the latest fad. 

About 131 Method

The 131 Method is affectionately known as the “anti-diet” by creator Chalene Johnson, a celebrity fitness trainer who made the program as a way for women across the country to finally achieve their health goals. The unique approach is simple: you’ll follow this 12-week program and experiment to find the foods and eating methods that your body responds to the best. Everyone is different, so what works for you might be different for someone else, and that’s the beauty of it. Also, you’ll be able to try the weight loss exercise program to speed up results and break a sweat while having fun too. To top it off, you’ll have access to the 131 Method’s registered dietitians along with the entire online community of fellow members and a number of supportive resources.

Discover how the 131 Method can help you finally achieve your health goals at


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