Popular Diets and Practices in the Shifting Weight Loss World

Some interesting shifts are occurring in the weight loss world, thanks in part to what some call “dieter fatigue” and a movement toward more positive body image and perceptions.


Marketdata LLC reports that the number of active dieters has decreased by approximately 10% since 2015, lowering the number of dieters to 97 million people in the U.S. Unlike diet trends of the past, Americans are eschewing traditional, low-calorie frozen meals and turning to more natural, less processed foods. However, meal replacement plans such as shakes and nutrition bars remain popular.

The report concludes, “Today's dieters are focused on 'clean eating', convenience, and results. They want simple plans and an affordable price, with no side effects, and peer support platforms.”

These sentiments have aided in the popularity of several diets and practices (as well as a promising weight loss meal plan) that focus less on caloric deficits and more on healthy ingredients, balanced meals, and healthy activities.

The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health reviewed some of these popular diets and practices and some of the clinical research behind them. Below is more information about the ketogenic and Mediterranean diets, as well as intermittent fasting.

Ketogenic Diet

This is a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet plan. The keto diet is based on the premise that if you deprive the body of its main energy source, glucose, the body will start producing alternate fuel from ketones, which come from dietary fat and stored body fat. The keto diet recommends a fat intake of 70-80%, with a moderate emphasis on protein consumption and very low carbohydrate intake.


Research has shown that the keto diet does decrease appetite-stimulating hormones such as insulin and ghrelin when the body is deprived of carbohydrates. But this can be a very challenging diet to follow with a high potential for nutrient deficiencies.

Mediterranean Diet

More of an eating pattern, this largely plant-based diet emphasizes healthy fats such as olive oil and omega-3 fatty acids, fish protein, small portions of eggs and dairy, and daily physical activity.


Studies have found that the emphasis on healthy fats improved heart conditions and reduced the risk of type 2 diabetes in some people. Other research has shown that the Mediterranean diet helped improve cognitive functions in aging adults and decreased cellular damage from age-related diseases.

While this diet does identify types of food to eat, it does not provide guidelines for portion sizes or caloric intake, which could lead to an increase in calorie consumption for some people.

Intermittent Fasting

An intermittent fasting weight loss regimen is simply a change in timing of eating. There are different versions of intermittent fasting but the most common is shortening your eating window to 8-12 hours. This means you’d consume all of your daily intake in 8 hours or 12 hours or any time frame you choose. 

Intermittent fasting focuses on producing positive metabolic changes.

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health’s meta-analysis of 40 clinical studies found that intermittent fasting resulted in weight loss of 7-11 pounds over 10 weeks, though study size ranged from 4-334 subjects and study duration ranged from 2-104 weeks.

Intermittent fasting is an increasingly popular way to lose weight thanks in large part to the diversity of fasting plans that can be customized to your unique physiology, lifestyle, and eating habits.

Programs like 131 METHOD are leading this effort through holistic eating plans that focus on how to fuel and nourish your body. 131 METHOD recommends starting with a 12-hour fast once a week, and gradually increasing to 16 hours a week. Once your body adapts, you can try time-restricted, whole-day, and alternate-day fasting.

About 131 METHOD

131 METHOD was created by celebrity fitness trainer Chalene Johnson and is fondly called the “anti-diet.” This weight loss meal plan has personalized programs and support from experts such as doctors, dietitians, and researchers. 131 METHOD removes the rules and barriers around eating and creates a customized approach to permanent, healthy weight loss.


Find out more about 131 METHOD at 131method.com


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