5 Ways to Change Up Your Exercise Regimen

Exercising is all fun and games until it's not. Usually, people go through a couple of phases in their relationship with working out. First, they break through and finally commit to going to the gym and start some workouts that can help get them results. After a little habit-building, you probably start to see results on the scale and in non-scale victories. But what about months after that? If you feel like your exercise routine is a little, well, routine , then it’s time to mix things up! Here are a few tips to keep you inspired on your fitness mission and change things up. Hit the Trails Sure, you can get killer results with the treadmill, but running in place gets old for most of us. Take your cardio regimen outside and hit a trail or the sidewalk in your neighborhood for some fresh air. It surprises many people how different running outside is compared to on a treadmill, and the beautiful weather and sights can make it more interesting as well. Sign Up...