
Showing posts from June, 2019

5 Milestones to Celebrate on Your Health and Weight Loss Journey

When you’re first starting out on your health, weight loss, and fitness journey, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. From the things you have to say “no” to, to the change in your daily habits, just the thought of altering your lifestyle forever can be intimidating. Which is part of the reason why the key to anything life-changing is taking baby steps. It’s also vital to allow yourself to celebrate and take pride in those small steps. So, whether you’re well on your way to achieving your final goal or you’re just starting your health journey, here are five milestones worth celebrating along the way. You Move the Needle The first and perhaps most celebration-worthy milestone is when you move the needle of the scale for the first time. After years of either not giving fitness and nutrition any thought or following the wrong diet or exercise regimen, you're finally seeing results. It can only get better from here, so pat yourself on the back and keep moving forward. Your Clothes Stop...

Does the Early Bird Get the Results? A Few Reasons to Consider Exercising in the Morning

To some, mornings suck. Waking up and working out first thing seems like a faraway dream that isn’t worth the effort in the end. Not true! If you aren’t a natural morning person, going without hitting snooze at least once can feel like a huge accomplishment in and of its own. That’s step one. Keep going, let’s get you up, moving, and sweating in the mornings. While exercising in the evening is better than not exercising at all, here are a few reasons why the early bird truly does get the worm when it comes to reaching your health goals. Feel the Early Burn If you’re an avid follower of intermittent fasting weight loss , then you'll know how effective fasting for set periods can be at boosting your metabolism and kicking your body into fat-burning mode. When you exercise in the morning as opposed to in the evenings, you can shift that process into high gear first thing in the a.m.—one study even found that if you exercise on an empty stomach as opposed to a full one, you can b...