Hit a Weight Loss Plateau? Here Are Some Things to Try

No matter what diet or weight loss plan you follow, it seems you’re bound to hit a plateau eventually. Hitting a plateau is essentially when your results start to slow down and finding the motivation to keep going can be a bit frustrating. It happens to the best of us. Whether you’re on a low-carb plan or are following an intermittent fasting weight loss program, the plateau can feel inevitable. The good news is that many have overcome it and you can too if you have the right mindset and consider the following tips. Inspire Yourself It’s easy to let the number on the scale dictate how you feel about your progress, although your weight loss goal is really only part of the equation. When that number hasn’t moved much in a week or two, it’s easy to get discouraged and feel like this is as good as it gets. Having a positive mindset is probably the most crucial part of breaking through a plateau, so take a moment to look back and inspire yourself. If you took ...