Butter in Your Coffee? Why You Should Add Fat to Your Java

Butter coffee is one of the hottest trends in the keto, intermittent fasting, and low-crab diet worlds. Once just made at home in a blender, its popularity has boomed into local coffee chains across the country. Not familiar with butter coffee? Well, it’s just as it sounds, emulsified butter—or another healthy fat like coconut milk or oil—in a cup of joe. While it might seem weird at first, the health and dietary benefits speak for themselves. Here are a few reasons to give it a try. Stay Full for Longer If busy mornings keep you from eating breakfast or you’re following an intermittent fasting weight loss regimen, then butter coffee is perfect for you. Many people find fasting until lunch a struggle as they fight off hunger pains and cravings, however, a dose of healthy fat in the morning bridges that gap and eases stomach discomfort. Butter and other healthy fats are more calorie-dense than protein or carbohydrates. Your body breaks fats down slowly, aiding in sat...